Step-00: Pre-requisites
- Create a EC2 Key pain with name
and copy the terraform-key.pem
file in the folder private-key
in terraform-manifest
- Connection Block for provisioners uses this to connect to newly created EC2 instance to copy files using
file provisioner
, execute scripts using remote-exec provisioner
Step-01: Introduction
- Understand about remote-exec Provisioner
- The
provisioner invokes a script on a remote resource after it is created.
- This can be used to run a configuration management tool, bootstrap into a cluster, etc.
Step-02: Create / Review Provisioner configuration
- Usecase:
- We will copy a file named
using File Provisioner
to "/tmp" directory
- Using
remote-exec provisioner
, using linux commands we will in-turn copy the file to Apache Webserver static content directory /var/www/html
and access it via browser once it is provisioned
# Copies the file-copy.html file to /tmp/file-copy.html
provisioner "file" {
source = "apps/file-copy.html"
destination = "/tmp/file-copy.html"
# Copies the file to Apache Webserver /var/www/html directory
provisioner "remote-exec" {
inline = [
"sleep 120", # Will sleep for 120 seconds to ensure Apache webserver is provisioned using user_data
"sudo cp /tmp/file-copy.html /var/www/html"
# Terraform Initialize
terraform init
# Terraform Validate
terraform validate
# Terraform Format
terraform fmt
# Terraform Plan
terraform plan
# Terraform Apply
terraform apply -auto-approve
# Verify
1) Login to EC2 Instance
chmod 400 private-key/terraform-key.pem
ssh -i private-key/terraform-key.pem ec2-user@IP_ADDRESSS_OF_YOUR_VM
ssh -i private-key/terraform-key.pem ec2-user@
2) Verify /tmp for file named file-copy.html all files copied (ls -lrt /tmp/file-copy.html)
3) Verify /var/www/html for a file named file-copy.html (ls -lrt /var/www/html/file-copy.html)
4) Access via browser http://<Public-IP>/file-copy.html
Step-04: Clean-Up Resources & local working directory
# Terraform Destroy
terraform destroy -auto-approve
# Delete Terraform files
rm -rf .terraform*
rm -rf terraform.tfstate*