Control Costs with Sentinel Policies
Step-01: Introduction
- We are going to learn the following in this section
- Sentinel Cost Control Policies
- Apply them for Ec2 Instance and verify pass and fail cases
Step-02: Review Sentinel Cost Control Policies
Step-02-01: less-than-100-month.sentinel
- This policy uses the tfrun import to check that the new cost delta is no more than \$100
- The decimal import is used for more accurate math when working with currency numbers.
import "tfrun"
import "decimal"
delta_monthly_cost =
main = rule {
Step-02-02: sentinel.hcl
policy "less-than-100-month" {
source = "./less-than-100-month.sentinel"
enforcement_level = "soft-mandatory"
- Copy folder
to Local git repository terraform-sentinel-policies
- Check-In code to Remote Repository
# GIT Status
git status
# Git Local Commit
git add .
git commit -am "Sentinel Cost Control Policies Added in new folder"
# Push to Remote Repository
git push
# Verify the same on Remote Repository
- Go to Terraform Cloud -> Organization (hcta-demo1) -> Settings -> Policy Sets
- Click on Connect a new Policy Set
- Use existing VCS connection from previous section github-terraform-modules which we created using OAuth App concept
- Choose Repository: terraform-sentinel-policies.git
- Name: terraform-sentinel-cost-control-policies
- Description: terraform sentinel cost control policies
- Policies Path: terraform-sentinel-cost-control-policies
- Scope of Policies: Policies enforced on selected workspaces
- Workspaces: terraform-cloud-demo1
- Click on Connect Policy Set
- Go to Terraform Cloud -> Organization (hcta-demo1) -> workspace (terraform-cloud-demo1)
- Setup AWS Access Keys for Terraform
- Go to Organization (hcta-demo1) -> Workspace(terraform-cloud-demo1) -> Variables
- In environment variables, add the below two
- Configure AWS Access Key ID and Secret Access Key
- Environment Variable: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
- Environment Variable: AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
Step-05-02: Pass Case: Queue Plan and Verify Cost Control Policies Applied
- Go to Organization (hcta-demo1) -> Workspace(terraform-cloud-demo1)
- Queue Plan -> Cost-Control-Test-1-Pass-case
- Verify the following
- Plan
- Cost Estimate
- Policy Check: Policy check should pass
- Finally, Disacrd the Run
Step-05-03: Fail Case: Queue Plan and Verify Cost Control Policies Applied
- Go to Organization (hcta-demo1) -> Workspace(terraform-cloud-demo1) -> Variables
- Update
# Before Change
instance_type = t3.micro
# After Change
instance_type = t3.2xlarge
- Queue Plan -> Cost-Control-Test-1-Fail-case
- Verify the following
- Plan
- Cost Estimate
- Policy Check: Policy check should fail
- Finally, Disacrd the Run
- Roll back
to t3.micro
Step-06: Sentinel Policies - Conclusion
- We can create multiple sentinel policies in different folder paths in single github repository like
- We can apply few of them at
Terraform Organization
level and few of them at Terraform Workspace
- Very flexible and conveniet.