Terraform Input Variables with Validation Rules
Step-01: Introduction
- Learn some Terraform Functions
- length()
- substr()
- contains()
- lower()
- regex()
- can()
- Implement Custom Validation Rules in Variables
# Go to Terraform Console
terraform console
# Test length function
Template: length()
# String
# List
length(["a", "b", "c"])
# Map
length({"key" = "value"})
length({"key1" = "value1", "key2" = "value2" })
# Go to Terraform Console
terraform console
# Test substr function
Template: substr(string, offset, length)
substr("stack simplify", 1, 4)
substr("stack simplify", 0, 6)
substr("stack simplify", 0, 1)
substr("stack simplify", 0, 0)
substr("stack simplify", 0, 10)
# Go to Terraform Console
terraform console
# Test contains() function
Template: contains(list, value)
contains(["a", "b", "c"], "a")
contains(["a", "b", "c"], "d")
contains(["eastus", "eastus2"], "westus2")
# Go to Terraform Console
terraform console
# Test lower() function
Template: lower("STRING")
# Test upper() function
Template: lower("string")
upper("kalyan reddy")
Step-06: Create Resource Group Variable with Validation Rules
- Understand and implement custom validation rules in variables
- condition: Defines the expression used to evaluate the Input Variable value. Must return either
true for valid
, or false for invalid value
- error_message: Defines the error message displayed by Terraform when the condition expression returns false for an invalid value. Must be ended with period or question mark
- c2-variables.tf
# 4. Resource Group Location
variable "resoure_group_location" {
description = "Resource Group Location"
type = string
default = "eastus"
validation {
condition = var.resoure_group_location == "eastus" || var.resoure_group_location == "eastus2"
#condition = contains(["eastus", "eastus2"], lower(var.resoure_group_location))
error_message = "We only allow Resources to be created in eastus or eastus2 Locations."
# Initialize Terraform
terraform init
# Validate Terraform configuration files
terraform validate
# Format Terraform configuration files
terraform fmt
# Review the terraform plan
terraform plan
# Observation
1. When `resoure_group_location = "eastus"`, terraform plan should pass
2. When `resoure_group_location = "eastus2"`, terraform plan should pass
3. When `resoure_group_location = "westus"`, terraform plan should fail with error message as validation rule failed.
# Uncomment validation rule with contains() function and comment previous one
condition = contains(["eastus", "eastus2"], lower(var.resoure_group_location))
# Review the terraform plan
terraform plan
# Observation
1. When `resoure_group_location = "eastus"`, terraform plan should pass
2. When `resoure_group_location = "eastus2"`, terraform plan should pass
3. When `resoure_group_location = "westus"`, terraform plan should fail with error message as validation rule failed.
# Go to Terraform Console
terraform console
# Test regex() function
Template: regex(pattern, string)
regex("india$", "westindia")
regex("india$", "southindia")
can(regex("india$", "westindia"))
can(regex("india$", "southindia"))
regex("india$", "eastus")
can(regex("india$", "eastus"))
- Update Resource Group Location Variable with can() and regex() function related Validation Rule
# 4. Resource Group Location
variable "resoure_group_location" {
description = "Resource Group Location"
type = string
default = "eastus"
validation {
#condition = var.resoure_group_location == "eastus" || var.resoure_group_location == "eastus2"
#condition = contains(["eastus", "eastus2"], lower(var.resoure_group_location))
#error_message = "We only allow Resources to be created in eastus or eastus2 Locations."
condition = can(regex("india$", var.resoure_group_location))
error_message = "We only allow Resources to be created in westindia and southindia locations."
# Validate Terraform configuration files
terraform validate
# Review the terraform plan
terraform plan
# Observation
1. When `resoure_group_location = "westinida"`, terraform plan should pass
2. When `resoure_group_location = "southindia"`, terraform plan should pass
3. When `resoure_group_location = "eastus2"`, terraform plan should fail with error message as validation rule failed.
Step-11: Clean-Up
# Delete Files
rm -rf .terraform*
# Roll back to state as below for Students seamless demo before git check-in
# Change-1: c1-variables.tf
# 4. Resource Group Location
variable "resoure_group_location" {
description = "Resource Group Location"
type = string
default = "eastus"
validation {
condition = var.resoure_group_location == "eastus" || var.resoure_group_location == "eastus2"
#condition = contains(["eastus", "eastus2"], lower(var.resoure_group_location))
error_message = "We only allow Resources to be created in eastus or eastus2 Locations."
#condition = can(regex("india$", var.resoure_group_location))
#error_message = "We only allow Resources to be created in westindia and southindia locations."
# Change-2: terraform.tfvars
resoure_group_location = "eastus"
#resoure_group_location = "westus2"
#resoure_group_location = "westindia"
#resoure_group_location = "eastus2"