Terraform Output Values with Splat Expression
Step-01: Introduction
- Understand how to define outputs when we are using the Meta-Argument
- What is Splat Expression ?
Why do we ned to use in
when we usecount
? -
Splat Expression: A
splat expression
provides a more concise way to express a common operation that could otherwise be performed with afor
expression. - The special [*] symbol iterates over all of the elements of the list given to its left and accesses from each one the attribute name given on its right.
# With for expression
[for o in var.list : o.id]
# With Splat Expression [*]
Step-02: c4-virtual-networ.tf
- Add Resource Meta-Argument
# Create Virtual Network
resource "azurerm_virtual_network" "myvnet" {
count = 4
name = "${var.business_unit}-${var.environment}-${var.virtual_network_name}-${count.index}"
address_space = [""]
location = azurerm_resource_group.myrg.location
resource_group_name = azurerm_resource_group.myrg.name
Step-03: Execute Terraform Commands
# Initialize Terraform
terraform init
# Validate Terraform configuration files
terraform validate
# Observation
1. It should fail
# Sample Output
Kalyans-MacBook-Pro:terraform-manifests kdaida$ terraform validate
│ Error: Missing resource instance key
│ on c5-outputs.tf line 16, in output "virtual_network_name":
│ 16: value = azurerm_virtual_network.myvnet.name
│ Because azurerm_virtual_network.myvnet has "count" set, its attributes must be
│ accessed on specific instances.
│ For example, to correlate with indices of a referring resource, use:
│ azurerm_virtual_network.myvnet[count.index]
Kalyans-MacBook-Pro:terraform-manifests kdaida$
Step-04: c5-outputs.tf
- Update Splat Expression for output named
# 2. Output Values - Virtual Network
output "virtual_network_name" {
description = "Virutal Network Name"
value = azurerm_virtual_network.myvnet[*].name
Step-06: Execute Terraform Commands
# Validate Terraform configuration files
terraform validate
Observation: Should passs
# Format Terraform configuration files
terraform fmt
# Review the terraform plan
terraform plan
Observation: should pass
# Sample Output
Plan: 5 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.
Changes to Outputs:
+ resource_group_id = (known after apply)
+ resource_group_name = "it-dev-rg"
+ virtual_network_name = [
+ "it-dev-vnet-0",
+ "it-dev-vnet-1",
+ "it-dev-vnet-2",
+ "it-dev-vnet-3",
# Create Resources (Optional)
terraform apply -auto-approve
# Observation
1. Should get all the virtual network names as a list
Step-07: Destroy Resources
# Destroy Resources
terraform destroy -auto-approve
# Clean-Up
rm -rf .terraform*
rm -rf terraform.tfstate*