Terraform Output Values with for_each and for loop
Step-01: Introduction
- We are going to define output values of a resource when we use the Resource Meta-Argument
- Splat Expression is not going to work for this.
- Resources that use the for_each argument will appear in expressions as a map of objects, so you can't use splat expressions with those resources.
- We need to use regular
for loop
in output values
to get the values of a specific attribute or argument from a Resource in Outputs.
- Terraform For expression
- Terraform Keys Function
- Terraform Values Function
Step-02: c2-variables.tf
- Update
variable to Variable Type set
# 2. Environment Name
variable "environment" {
description = "Environment Name"
type = set(string)
default = ["dev1", "qa1", "staging1", "prod1" ]
- Update the values for variable
business_unit = "it"
environment = ["dev2", "qa2", "staging2", "prod2" ]
resoure_group_name = "rg"
virtual_network_name = "vnet"
Step-04: c4-virtual-network.tf
- Convert the existing vnet resource with
# Create Virtual Network
resource "azurerm_virtual_network" "myvnet" {
for_each = var.environment
name = "${var.business_unit}-${each.key}-${var.virtual_network_name}"
address_space = [""]
location = azurerm_resource_group.myrg.location
resource_group_name = azurerm_resource_group.myrg.name
Step-05: c5-outputs.tf
- Test using
splat expression
in output values (same as we used for count)
# 2. Output Values - Virtual Network
output "virtual_network_name" {
description = "Virutal Network Name"
value = azurerm_virtual_network.myvnet[*].name
#sensitive = true
# Initialize Terraform
terraform init
# Validate Terraform configuration files
terraform validate
# Review the terraform plan
terraform plan
Observation: Should fail
# Sample Ouput
Kalyans-MacBook-Pro:terraform-manifests kdaida$ terraform plan
│ Error: Unsupported attribute
│ on c5-outputs.tf line 18, in output "virtual_network_name":
│ 18: value = azurerm_virtual_network.myvnet[*].name
│ This object does not have an attribute named "name".
Kalyans-MacBook-Pro:terraform-manifests kdaida$
Step-06: c5-outputs.tf
- Implement
for loop
- For Loop One Input and List Output with VNET Name
- For Loop Two Inputs, List Output which is Iterator i (var.environment)
- For Loop One Input and Map Output with VNET ID and VNET Name
- For Loop Two Inputs and Map Output with Iterator env and VNET Name
- Terraform keys() function
- Terraform values() function
# Output - For Loop One Input and List Output with VNET Name
output "virtual_network_name_list_one_input" {
description = "Virutal Network Name"
value = [ for vnet in azurerm_virtual_network.myvnet: vnet.name]
# Output - For Loop Two Inputs, List Output which is Iterator i (var.environment)
output "virtual_network_name_list_two_inputs" {
description = "Virutal Network Name"
#value = [ for i, vnet in azurerm_virtual_network.myvnet: i]
value = [ for env, vnet in azurerm_virtual_network.myvnet: env]
# Output - For Loop One Input and Map Output with VNET ID and VNET Name
output "virtual_network_name_map_one_input" {
description = "Virutal Network Name"
value = {for vnet in azurerm_virtual_network.myvnet: vnet.id => vnet.name}
# Output - For Loop Two Inputs and Map Output with Iterator env and VNET Name
output "virtual_network_name_map_two_inputs" {
description = "Virutal Network Name"
value = {for env, vnet in azurerm_virtual_network.myvnet: env => vnet.name}
# Terraform keys() function: keys takes a map and returns a list containing the keys from that map.
output "virtual_network_name_keys_function" {
description = "Virutal Network Name - keys() Function Explore"
value = keys({for vnet in azurerm_virtual_network.myvnet: vnet.id => vnet.name})
# Terraform values() function: values takes a map and returns a list containing the values of the elements in that map.
output "virtual_network_name_values_function" {
description = "Virutal Network Name - values() Function Explore"
value = values({for vnet in azurerm_virtual_network.myvnet: vnet.id => vnet.name})
# Initialize Terraform
terraform init
# Validate Terraform configuration files
terraform validate
# Review the terraform plan
terraform plan
1. Command should successfully generate the terraform plan
# Sample Output
Changes to Outputs:
+ resource_group_id = (known after apply)
+ resource_group_name = "myrg1-demo"
+ virtual_network_name = [
+ "it-dev2-vnet",
+ "it-prod2-vnet",
+ "it-qa2-vnet",
+ "it-staging2-vnet",
# Create Resources (Optional)
terraform apply -auto-approve
Step-08: Destroy Resources
# Destroy Resources
terraform destroy -auto-approve
# Clean-Up
rm -rf .terraform*
rm -rf terraform.tfstate*